Greene King Abbot Ale [baron rating 5/5] - this 5% amber ale has a malty spicy hop smell,balanced caramel malt taste & sweet bitter finish
Wychwood Hobgoblin
Wychwood Hobgoblin [baron rating: 4/5] - 5.2% dark ruby ale,roasted sweet malt smell,smooth roasted sweet tangy malt taste, sweet malt finishBaron Orm
Marston's Old Empire
Marston's Old Empire [baron rating 5/5] - 5.7% golden ale,spicy hop smell,citrus hop & peppery tangy malt taste & long dry hop bitter finish
The Baron Rating Bottled Ale Master List
This page contains all the baron ratings that I've given so far to various bottled beers, ales, stouts & porters. I'll continue to update this page with more bottled ales and ratings as I sample them...
My ratings are as follows:
5/5 = Fantastic beer, drink it forever!
4/5 = A very nice drink, if these are on offer, they are getting bought!
3/5 = A good all-round pint, happy to have it in my glass
2/5 = A not too great beer - there are plenty better
1/5 = Not a nice pint, too hoppy/sweet/malty/spicy/etc.
Note: The columns are sortable, just click on the heading that you want sorted to help you find the beer you are after!
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My ratings are as follows:
5/5 = Fantastic beer, drink it forever!
4/5 = A very nice drink, if these are on offer, they are getting bought!
3/5 = A good all-round pint, happy to have it in my glass
2/5 = A not too great beer - there are plenty better
1/5 = Not a nice pint, too hoppy/sweet/malty/spicy/etc.
Note: The columns are sortable, just click on the heading that you want sorted to help you find the beer you are after!
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