Anyone interested in an ale tasting night in Ormskirk?

I was speaking to Paul Shiel, the owner of Source deli in Ormskirk today (who stock an excellent range of ales from local breweries) about whether he would be interested in doing an ale tasting evening as they already do some very popular wine (with paired food) tasting evenings.

Paul said that they struggled to fill the last ale tasting (with food) evening and so were not thinking of offering it again.  Paul truely knows his beers & his food is excellent too, so I have personally taken it upon myself to see if we can russle up the required numbers in which to make such an event a success.

Paul said that he would need around 25 people to book, with a cost per head of £20, which would give you the chance to try 10 expertly selected ales & beers carefully matched with food.  This doesn't mean that you will get to drink ten pints, but I'm sure there would be enough to make sure that every participant had a very enjoyable evening! ;)

He has a wide range of ales and beers in stock including local North West breweries, American and Australian ales, and Trapist beers, so I'm sure there would be plenty of new stuff for everyone to try.

So here is the challenge:
  • Do you want to try ten beers carefully matched with food?
  • Do you want to pay £20 for the pleasure?
If so, please leave a comment on this blog post and I'll see if we can make it a reality!


  1. I'm interested and I can probably persuade a few more people to come along as well. My weekends book up quite far in advance so a date would be useful as soon as you decide what to do.

  2. Once we get a few more comments I'll approach Paul at the Source deli and see what he have to say about it.

    What I'm loving is that due to the power of twitter I already have around five people interested in the first two hours of posting the blog entry!

  3. I'm tentatively interested depending on when. Love the source too!

  4. I'd be up for this too. Depends on date.

  5. If you could get a dozen people interested then I'll try and match it with a dozen at my end.

    When would you be looking to hold it, I'd struggle before the new year. Also in January I'll be holding 2 Spanish wine nights (the 1st sold out in 3 days!) and a Burns' night so some time in February would be preferable.

    Also how would everyone like to pitch it. I've held one before with 10 beers, from 10 countries, with food to match each beer/country. Would this be of interest or would you prefer English/British only?

    Give us some ideas and I'll start looking into it for you.

  6. Paul, I already have a dozen people interested (subject to date obviously) so it looks like we are getting somewhere.

    As far as a date, whenever is good for you really, Feb sounds fine to me, I'm sure most people's calendars are freeing up around then anyway so we might get a better turn out.

    I personally would prefer a majority of the beers to be UK, including your good locally sourced selection, but the odd US, AU, or Trappist would be good. Why not say 6 UK and then the rest of the world?

    I'll try to pop into Source later this week to discussed more, popped by today but didn't see you...
