Beer tasting night at Source deli is 17th Feb

Spoke to Paul at the Source deli in Ormskirk today and we have agreed a date for the ale tasting night:
  • Wednesday 17th February 2010
Tickets are £20 per person and are available from the Source deli itself.

Paul has said that he will put on a number of food courses along with ten different beers: 5 british & 5 'rest of world'. Doors open at 7pm with the 'tasting' starting at 7:30.

I would like to thank the Twitter world for making this event happen, I had a dozen responses within 48 hours! Let's now all buy the tickets to ensure that this cool event actually happens!

1 comment:

  1. I shall be there! Just contacted Paul at Source. Have booked that week off to be on the safe side!
