Brewdog Punk IPA for 99p in Sainsbury's (until 16th March 2010)

Sainsbury's have Brewdog Punk IPA on offer at the moment until 16th March - 99p instead of £1.34 per 330ml bottle


  1. Been stocking up the gaps left in my cupboard with this offer - I do find it a pretty "drinkable" beer (without contributing to the whole can of worms the D word opens up!) - and I do find it a good 'gateway' beer to ale minions I'm cultivating. If I've got them drinking ale, but they aren't sure exactly what a 'hop' flavour is, I get them stuck into a bottle of this, and then they know!

  2. That's a great reason for Punk IPA, I have a few people I would like to try that out on too!

    Thanks so much for the cool comment.
