My Williams Bros Brewery order has arrived!

I've had my eye on Williams Brothers Brewery's 12-bottle contemporary pack for a while and finally got round to ordering it on Wednesday this week: they arrived on Friday:

No, not all three cases are for me, a couple of mates (Chris & Mike) chipped in to combine the postage so each pack ended up at £20 (£1.67 a bottle)

I think each pack is identical, here is a line up of the twelve different bottles that I got:

Don't they look good? I'm looking forward to getting stuck into them especially the Williams Bros IPA & Joker IPA!

Buy Williams Brothers ale here.


  1. Many good beers there! And I see you got a Ginger too - I haven't had the chance to try mine yet, as I want to do so on a clean palate. But should be good to go towards the end of the week!

  2. Just had the two IPAs. Not as hoppy as I'd imagine but pleasant enough.
