Cask Ale Week - Baron style!

As you may or may not know it's Cask Ale Week this week in England and as I don't get out to the pub that often it was lucky for me that Fergus at Adnams came to the rescue.

Fergus sent through a bottle of 4.3% Adnams Extra [baron rating 4/5] yesterday. This Grolsch-style swing-top bottle was sent by Fergus having been drawn off a fresh cask of Adnams Extra just days before - therefore it is real cask ale.

I shared my bottle with Chris last night and we recorded our thoughts on this excellent ale.

I'd be happy to buy and drink bottles of Adnams Extra but regardless of that I hope they bring it back year after year as a cask seasonal treat!

Being sent cask ale in a bottle for Cask Ale Week? Beat that! :)


  1. "Being sent cask ale in a bottle for Cask Ale Week? Beat that!"

    Beat that . . . hmmmm . . . maybe going to the pub? :~)

  2. Good point! ;)

    I did actually get a chance to pop out to the pub last night, got to have a few pints of Banks Fine Fettle (very nice it was too!)
