Our recent 'Drink to the Bitter End' ale tasting night

Had a great tasting night last night with Chris working our way through six different bottles from the Bitter End Brewing Co. These were very kindly sent to me by Tony of Bitter End.

Here are the beers in the order in which we tried them:
Thanks again Bitter End Brewing Co. for providing some great ale to rate!

Buy Bitter End ales here


  1. Have to say, you're a bit too generous with your ratings here. I agree that the Amber and the IPA are the best, but would put these at 3/5 personally. As for the others I found them particularly uninspiring with very little depth.

    The Amber initially seemed like a decent bitter, but drifted off very quickly with no afterthought. The IPA had the classic qualities, but I've been spoiled recently with far better versions and couldn't find any real excitement for it.

    I love the packaging of the bottles and think there could be a great beer in some of these. Perhaps they should concentrate on fine tuning 1 or 2 of these and expanding their range when they have been perfected.

    These are my own (and Matt's) humble opinions.

  2. Paul,

    I agree with your comments, the Amber and IPA are the best. I gave the others a 3/5 as they are perfectly pleasant beers which would be great for refreshment on a hot summer's day.

    I would like to see the Amber and the IPA 'bigged up' a bit, the IPA needs a larger hop profile and the Amber needs to be a touch more malty.

    I know that Tony has already changed the recipe for the Lakeland Golden so that shows they are happy to adapt...
