Wychwood King Goblin

Wychwood King Goblin [baron rating 2/5] - 6.6% dark amber ale,boozy fruit smell,sweet rich fruit taste & sticky sweet finish - not special!


  1. Never knew about that one. Must be new.

  2. See this post about these "super-premium" brand extensions. I haven't tried this one yet but suspect I might be more favourably inclined than you were.

  3. Yes, this and the Pedigree VSOP were entirely new to me on Morrisons' shelves earlier this week.

  4. Rob, it's only arrived in Morrisons this week and I couldn't find a mention of it on Wychwood's website (why do they do that?!?).

    I was alerted to it by @BeerReviewsAndy who bought one earlier in the week.

  5. Curmudgeon, nice post BTW!

    I'm not a big fan of rich sweet fruity ales and this was just too much for my taste buds!

    Is the Marston's VSOP also sweet & fruity?

  6. Is the Marston's VSOP also sweet & fruity?

    No, it's fairly dry, but, as I said, doesn't really drink its strength. Give it a try and see what you think. I find bottled beers that lose their head two minutes after pouring rather offputting, tbh.

  7. I tried one of these today - drier than I expected and a dark amber colour rather than the near-black of the standard Hobgoblin. It drank its strength more than the VSOP (indeed I would have put it at about 7.5% if I didn't know its strength), but it's not something you'd really want to drink more than one of.

  8. I'm a Hobgoblin fan and I really enjoyed their King Goblin offering. For me the head actually lasted longer than the usual Hobgoblin (I always drink from a tankard, which seems to help the head anyway)and if anything it seemed smoother than a standard Hob to me.

    Curmudgeon's right about not having too many though, I followed it up with another Morrison's newbie; Yorkshire Terrier from York Brewery, which was really refreshing :-)

  9. King Goblin is er King. Fantastic beer

  10. Have just managed to find this Ale and I love it, possibly more than Hobgoblin purely because its tastes so similar yet has a higher ABV, which has not detracted from the 'Goblin taste, which in many cases the higher ABV can give a totally different taste

  11. my opinion of this beer is -4 bottles for a fiver at Tescos, on offer with other bottled beers-is a good deal. I don't think its an extraordinary beer as the 6.6 abv labelling suggests, nor is it an exceptional beer, however it is a very drinkable beer, not too malty with a dry edge; I dropped a couple of ice cubes in the glass to chill it down as i was gasping and at this price-who cares.

  12. Holtian,

    Agreed that at that price it's very good for it's strength I just found it too sickly to enjoy.

    We all have different tastes though so I'm glad you've found one that you like,what baron rating would you give it?

  13. Gotta say I'm a big hobgob fan, and upon spotting this on a tesco shelf I had to grab a couple - amazingly I prefer this to the original! Marvelous.

  14. when wil it be in sainsbury,s shops
