Gadds Black Pearl

Gadds Black Pearl [baron rating 4/5] - 6.2% black stout,berry fruit & burnt wood smell,smooth smoky sweet fruit taste & gentle sweet finish

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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  1. Nice one, glad you enjoyed it! I particularly liked the mention of FABPOW :) I think this beer is actually pretty old, I know the bottles have been around for a while. I think it's a really nice oyster, oatmeal stout, in fact I wish I'd bought a couple for myself now!

  2. Mark, it was an excellent choice for the beer swap so nice to get a varied selection.

    I'm not a fan of stouts & porters (hence Chris being my 'Stout Advisor') but I did quite enjoy this one.

    The strong cheddar worked really well with it too. This stout has made me want to seek out other Gadds ales now...
