Hopdaemon Skrimshander IPA

Hopdaemon Skrimshander IPA [baron rating 5/5] - 4.5% amber IPA, orange & spicy hops smell,spicy citrus bitter hops taste & hop bitter finish

A big thank you must go to Mark Dredge for sending this through as part of my #beerswap parcel, and also thanks to Pete Brissenden for brewing this wonderful IPA, I look forward to a chance one day to sample the rest of his ales! (I also love the artwork on the labels, check out the close-up)

Buy Hopdaemon ales here


  1. And also available from www.alesbymail.com

  2. I liked this, but wanted it ramped up a little!! Not blogged about it yet though...

  3. I know what you mean Leigh but I also quite liked it as it wasn't trying to be a Hop Monster. This reminded me of the IPAs from Williams Bros. - crisp hoppy ales but nothing that blows your mouth open - still great ales though.
