Looking forward to 'baron rating' some Williams Bros. ales very soon!

I was talking to Williams Bros. via twitter the other day about their Summer Sun ale, brewed exclusively for export to Sweden and whether they would like a 'baron rating' for it. The agreed to send a bottle through for review but completely excelled themselves and sent seven different ales through as well as a rather cool Williams Bros. t-shirt!

Williams Bros. Brewery
  • Alba
  • 7.5% scots pine ale
  • Ebulum
  • 6.5% elderberry black ale
  • Grozet
  • 5% gooseberry & wheat ale
  • Red
  • 4.5% premium red ale
  • Summer Sun
  • 4% hoppy golden ale (not available in the UK, brewed for export to Sweden)
Look out for 'baron ratings' for these Williams Bros. beers soon, and a big thank you to Williams Bros. for sending these through to me!


  1. That whole selection looks lush - would love to try the Summer Sun - do you know why it's not being sold here?
    Making me thirsty now!

  2. Not sure why it's export to Sweden only, the labels are all ready for the UK shelves. I tried it last week when the beers arrived, it's got some earth herbal hop aromas & taste and is crisp & refreshing.
