Looking forward to 'baron rating' Brooklyn & Goose Island ales very soon!

This quarter's myBrewerytap '52 Week Beer Club' arrived last week (a blog post about that is to follow soon) with a cracking selection of ales in it - most of them lovely sounding summer ales.  I was looking forward to trying the Atlantic Gold after enjoying their Red back in the first club pack but was surprised to see the Gold replaced with the Red.

After a quick twitter conversation with Richard from myBrewerytap he confirmed that it had gone in by mistake and that he would immediately send out a bottle of the Atlantic Gold.  Not only did the replacement bottle arrived very quickly, but Richard also excelled himself and popped a few 'extras' in the box:

The Brooklyn & Goose Island ales are part of myBrewerytap's new 'world beers' range - these USA beers are highly regarded and make excellent additions to myBrewerytap's already extensive selection.  The Marble Manchester Bitter is an absolute beauty, I've been wanting to 're-rate' it ever since I found out from Dom & Colin of Marble that they have changed it slightly.

Look out for 'baron ratings' for these myBrewerytap beers soon, and a big thank you to Richard from myBrewerytap for sending these through to me!


  1. Richard's a charmer isn't he! Who wouldn't enjoy those tasty beverages.... let's see how the Baron rates it I guess!

  2. "popped a few 'extras' in the box" - you lucky buggers. myBrewerytap sent me 2 mixed cases by accident (not a good basis upon which to run a business methinks); the 2nd case is awaiting pickup by Royal Mail today; thought they (myBrewerytap) might haved forgotten about it - wishful thinkin on my part. Anyway, the point of this tittle-tattle is to comment on the Atlantic Gold...

    Review title :- Ginger Beer?

    Review wording :-
    The title is a bit (very) misleading. You need to a.ensure this beer has been well chilled b, is stored upright and c. not shaken. The latter will be obvious to most of you as its a bottle condtioned beer so has a sediment. Ok it won't harm you but I think its preferable to pour without the sediment.

    This is a very refreshing/thirst quenching straw (or more pale) ale with a light touch of ginger which I found quite pleasant. Very lightly carbonated (again a feature bottle conditioned beers) and light tasting considering its 4.6% ABV. Not bad at all.


  3. MusicRab, cheers for the review I'll bear your comments in mind when we try the Atlantic Gold.

    That will have audio as I share the case with @Christopher_R - so you will be able to read & hear what we have to say! :)
