Marston's Owd Rodger

Marston's Owd Rodger [baron rating 1/5] - 7.6% deep ruby ale,alcohol & stewed fruits smell,warming rich sweet fruit taste,very sweet finish


  1. 1/5 seems a bit unfair - IMV this is a good beer, but of a style (sweet, malty old ale) that may not appeal to you.

  2. I think I need to explain my 'baron ratings' - its a personal shopping list for beers - if it's low it means that I didn't like it and won't buy again, if it's high it means it's at the top of my ale list.

    I thought it was foul to the point that I poured it down the drain - any beer I can't finish gets a 1/5

  3. best beer i have ever drunk

  4. This is a classic ale i used to drink in the 80s, just had a bottle and it`s still tastes great. One of the best!
