A year of beer

It's now been exactly one year since I started beer blogging and tweeting and what a year it has been!  I've made loads of friends who all love beer, meet most of them in person too! I've widened my ale purchases from a handful of major brands to nearly anything I see that looks remotely like beer as well as starting to really be able to pick out the different smells, tastes & flavours that make real ales so diverse.

In the past twelve months I've 'baron rated' over 250 different bottled ales.  This was only possible due to the enormous generosity of a large number of breweries who were willing to submit bottles of their hardwork for a 140 character review and the odd bit of audio!

The past year of this site is mostly down to:
Thank you to all of the above, and if anyone else wants their beer 'baron rating' please get in touch!


  1. Nice one - happy blogiversary! Here's to the next year of Baron rates!

  2. Cheers Mark, I'm really looking forward to learning more about beer in the next year, I already have two boxes overflowing with bottles awaiting 'baron ratings'! ;)

  3. Keep up the good work! Always a great read.


  4. Thanks for the kind words Ed!
