I'm going to be judging this year's SIBA North National Beer Competition!

I read recently via Tandleman's blog that the SIBA North National Beer Competition (and beer festival) was going to be held in Manchester this year at the end of October. Manchester is a short(ish) train ride from Ormskirk so I wondered if they were looking for any extra judges. After a few good words were put in for me via various folk on twitter I received an invite from SIBA asking if I would like to be a judge!

A big thank you to Lisa Hoffin (SIBA) & Alex Brodie (Hawkshead & SIBA North) for inviting me to judge! Also thanks to all the kind folk on twitter who put a good word in for me.

If you are going to be there then please leave a comment below, would be great to meet up with you face to face!


  1. Awesome, absolutely awesome. So jealous! That's great work orm

  2. Congratulations! Very jealous indeed.

  3. Cheers for the kind words chaps, I'm really looking forward to it!
