Looking forward to 'baron rating' Marble Dobber very soon!

As hinted at in my last post, there was something else in with the amazing Sierra Nevada selection, a bottle of the brand new bottled ale from Marble - Dobber:

Marble Brewery
Ignore all the talk on the web about Marble's Dobber meaning something rude, it's the name of a big marble as I remember that word from my childhood.  If I remember correctly it was worth two peewees?!?

Look out for 'baron ratings' for these myBrewerytap beers soon, and a big thank you to Richard from myBrewerytap for sending these through to me! 

Buy Marble ales here

1 comment:

  1. Dobber is freaking amazing and stands up extremely well in the bottle compared to draught.
    I recorded a video review the other day and I should post it some time this week.

    I've read the hops are Nelson Sauvin and Green Bullets so New Zealand hops all the way!

    Drink it while its fresh and its a 5/5 beer without a doubt.
