Wentworth Rampant Gryphon

Wentworth Rampant Gryphon [baron rating 4/5] - 6.2% gold ale,slight boozy floral citrus smell,floral spicy hops taste,slightly sweet finish

Thank you to Paul from AlesByMail for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy Wentworth ales here


  1. Quite a fan of Wentworth's stuff - thier WPA is wonderful - i've still got some left over from Summer. A great Pale ale.

  2. I'll have to try WPA again, I found it very harsh last time but it was a long time ago!

  3. Well ive had arthritis for 25 years, after 2 pints of Rampant Gryphon I cant feel a thing..... beats pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs hands down :)
