Crouch Vale Essex Boys

Crouch Vale Essex Boys [baron rating 4/5] - 4% dark amber ale,nutty fruity smell,toasted bittersweet taste,nutty bitter slight burnt finish
Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Thank you to Paul from AlesByMail for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy Crouch Vale ales here


  1. I've only had this on draught at my local, Fanny's Ale House. It was OK but nothing special, but a cut above the usual "Brown Beer".

  2. It's slightly stronger in the bottle than on tap,it was a good example of the 'classic bitter' style (nutty & bitter).

    Classic bitters are not my favourite style but it does it's job well.

    I'm not sure of the marketing appeal of the name outside of Essex though?
