Looking forward to 'baron rating' Courage Directors & Wells Bombardier very soon!

@YoungsBeers got in touch with me recently saying that as I enjoyed 'baron rating' their Young's ales would I like to try bottles of Courage Directors & Wells Bombardier as well.  As you know, the baron doesn't like to say "no", so very promptly some beers turned up:

Wells & Young's Brewing Company
  • Courage Directors - 4.8% traditionally brewed superior ale
  • Wells Bombardier - 5.2% traditional burnished copper ale
Look out for 'baron ratings' for these Young's beers soon, and a big thank you to Joanna from @YoungsBeers for sending these through to me!

For more information follow @Bombardier_beer on Twitter and check out couragebeer on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Guilty secret time...(whisper it)...I love Director's. Really, I do.
