Looking forward to 'baron rating' Purbeck ales very soon!

Six bottles of Isle of Purbeck Brewery bottles arrived today in perfect condition and they look excellent. I was talking to @PurbeckBrewery before Christmas about their new season harvest ale (Harry's Harvest Pale Ale) and he kindly offered to send some to me. I've heard some good things about these beers from @TheBeerBunker so I'm looking forward to getting stuck in!

Isle of Purbeck Brewery
  • Best Bitter - 3.6% classic draft bitter
  • Fossil Fuel - 4.1% traditional best bitter
  • Harry's Harvest Pale Ale - 5% 'new season hop' beer
  • Purbeck IPA - 4.8% premium India Pale Ale style beer
  • Solar Power - 4.3% lager-style ale
  • Studland Bay Wrecked - 4.5% ale inspired by amber & Scottish ales
Look out for a 'baron rating' for these Isle of Purbeck beers soon, and a big thank you to Mike from @PurbeckBrewery for sending them through to me!


  1. I hope they're better in bottles than the cask stuff I had at their pub whilst on holiday in Doreset last year...

  2. Hi Chris, sorry to hear that you didn't like our beers. Was it the whole range or one in particular. We are always keen on feedback so if you could tell me more I would appreciate it.

  3. Hi Mike,

    Sorry, if my comment came across as harsh (had a bit of a grumpy morning!). I tried Fossil Fuel, Purbeck IPA and Solar Power, and to be honest they just didn't excite me - and with the IPA I could hardly detect any hops at all. It was early afternoon so it could be that the beer hadn't been pulled through enough and wasn't at its best, but I seem to remember an overriding grass flavour and not much else.

    I will definitely try them again in the future should I come across them, though.

  4. Thanks Chris,

    not harsh at all. We like feedback so we can develop our beers, hence I was interested on your thoughts.

    In the later part of last year there were some minor tweaks and we are getting some great feedback about the IPA especially at the moment.

    I would agree with the grassy notes on the Fossil Fuel which is down to the hop blend we use. People either love it or hate it.

    If you are ever down in Dorset again, please come along to the brewery and I would be happy to arrange a tasting session for you. Best to contact before hand.

    Thanks for taking the time to add your notes, and I hope you understand the reason for me asking.
