Looking forward to 'baron rating' Thwaites Old Dan ale very soon!

Thwaites got in touch recently asking if I would like to try their 'work in progress' ale called 'Old Dan'. It's a 7.8% bottled conditioned chestnut rich ale brewed as a modern take on the Old Dan recipe. The label design is excellent made to look like aged paper with typewriter font as well as all sorts of brewing info.

It's very refreshing to see a reasonably large brewer like Thwaites trying (and sharing) their new ideas, another good example of this is their new Signature Range of seasonal beers for 2011. Great looking pumpclips, some pretty bold ABVs and some pretty interesting recipes.

Look out for a 'baron rating' for this Thwaites beer soon, and a big thank you to @Daniel_Thwaites for sending it through to me!

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