Odell Isolation Ale

Odell Isolation Ale [baron rating 3/5] - 6.1% dark amber ale,savoury herb smell,sweet medicinal syrupy taste,slight medicinal peppery finish

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Thank you to Richard from myBrewerytap for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy Odell ales here


  1. good enough seasonal ale, but we preferred the Levity amber ale when it came in at the same time to the shop.

  2. I found the Levity a bit middle-of-the-road really, a well crafted beer but not overly special.

    Their IPA on the other hand is a completely different matter, it's lovely!

  3. St. Lupulin is a monster beer too!

  4. I've not tried St.Lupulin yet but it looks excellent
