The Otley bar runner is installed

A lovely rubber-backed bar runner was sent to me courtesy of Otley Brewing Company last week and I knew the perfect home for it. My tasting buddy @Christopher_R has a cocktail bar area in his house and I thought this would look pretty good.

Chris 'installed' the Otley bar runner this weekend and sent me a couple of shots of the finished bar:

I think it looks pretty smart and it's a perfect fit too! Thanks again to Otley Brewing Company.

Buy Otley ales here


  1. That looks really cool, but does Chris make Otley beer cocktails?

  2. i have tried to get one from the Otley Arms since I saw one at the their Oct-O-Bar Fest a few years back - suppose it's who you know ;)

  3. I think you should email/tweet them and ask for one ;)

  4. No beer cocktails, but my wife, who is an amateur scientist, does a great line in Tom Collinses.
