St Austell Clouded Yellow

St Austell Clouded Yellow [baron rating 2/5] - 4.8% cloudy gold ale,banana & cloves smell,sugary spicy herbal taste,medicinal clovey finish

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Thank you to @StAustellBrew from St Austell for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy St Austell ales here


  1. i've only ever found it to be quite well balanced, and i'm not a fan of cloves really but never had a problem with them in this beer,love it myself
    hey st. austell i'll have some please!!!! :)

  2. Its a rather unique beer this one, not quite a wheat, not quite a light summer beer like Discovery or other golden beers.

    But more importantly, its the wife's favorite beer! Its the first bottled ale she really liked and kept asking for...and i think thats kind of its aim, a entry route for women into ale the ale market. My mum and a friend both toured the St Austell brewery, and both said this was their favorite.

    Obviously i'm fully aware there are girls who love powerful IPAs and Imperial Stouts etc!
