Fyne Jarl

Fyne Jarl [baron rating 5/5] - 3.8% pale gold ale,bright citrus pith smell,bittersweet lemon sherbet taste,lemony citrus sharpness to finish

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Thank you to Elaine from Fyne Ales for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy Fyne Ales here and here


  1. This has eluded me for a while. Everywhere I go I just miss it. In the Market Porter in London I saw the pump clip only to be told that it had just gone off. Next encounter was at GBBF where I shared a beer with Jamie from Fyne. But due my obsession with American and fine Euro brews I didn't really drink much British stuff. So as soon as Beers of Europe started selling this I had buy a few bottles. I'm yet to try it but when we are finally blessed with a sunny day I'll whack one in the fridge and get out in the back yard.

    Sounds like a winner.

    P.S I'm still awaiting the box of beers Fyne offered me nearly a year ago. Looks like I've been completely forgotten about. (sad face)

  2. Rob - sorry we missed you. Get in touch and we'll sort something out pronto.

    Baron & Chris - many thanks for the review and we're really happy you liked it.


  3. Jamie, Thanks for commenting on the blog,we're glad you liked the review as we were extremely happy with the beer!

    Will have to get my hands on some more of it soon! :)
