Ilkley Lotus IPA

Ilkley Lotus IPA [baron rating 5/5] - 5.6% copper ale,tropical fruit resinous smell,resinous bitter mango fruity taste,fruity bitter finish
Note: There is a baron-exclusive AlesByMail discount code off any order offered in the audio, it expires in just under 2 weeks of this review's date so take a listen and place your order now!

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Note: Bottle conditioned with perfect carbonation

Thank you to Paul from AlesByMail for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy Ilkley ales here


  1. Hehe

    Start and it just follows through hahahahahahaha


  2. Awesome beer! Defo deserves the 5/5. Have you tried the Pale yet??

  3. Ghost Drinker,

    No I've tried Gold, Lotus IPa & Mary Jane.

    Do they bottle Pale as I never see Ilkley in Ormskirk :(
