Looking forward to 'baron rating' Adnams Tally-Ho 2010 very soon!

Fergus (head brewer) of Adnams was very kind last year and sent us through a beer that they had started bottling again - Tally-Ho 2009 [baron rating 5/5]. It was my Open It! beer as well as it's such a lovely beer to savour. I was very pleased today as Fergus sent through some of the 2010 version for us to review:

Adnams Brewery
  • Tally-Ho 2010 - 7.2% dark mahogany red with a rich,fruity aroma and a heart warming sweet raisin and biscuit palate.
Look out for 'baron ratings' for these Adnams beers soon, and a big thank you to @SoleBear & @Adnams from Adnams for sending these through to me!

Buy Adnams ales here

1 comment:

  1. no problem, meant to send it ages ago, let me know what you think.It's not on sale yet. Probably another month or so before it's out

