Moor Revival

Moor Revival [baron rating 3/5] - 4% copper unlively ale,spicy citrus smell,clean spicy citrus taste,lasting juicy slightly sour finish
Note: This has promise to be a truely excellent beer but out of the two bottles that I bought, both seriously lacked in the mouthfeel - it wasn't flat but the condition meant that it wasn't very interesting - see the photo for what it was like.

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Note: Bottle conditioned with dull carbonation


  1. I had this on cask (3.8%) at a festival last year, and it was the best beer by far of the night, shame the bottle was up to that standard.

  2. I really don't like the sound of "unlively ale", likewise your Pitfield Eco-Warrier "flat ale". I suspect in Curmudgeon Towers these would be straight down the sink.

    As said before, it would be really useful if you could indicate whether or not the ales you taste are bottle-conditioned.

    Incidentally, I had a superb bottle of Thornbrige Italia pilsner lager earlier tonight. I'd be interested to see your tasting notes on that one :-)

  3. Curmudgeon, both of those beers were bottle conditioned - I'll try to remember to add a note or comment regarding that fact.

    I've not tried Italia yet but I'll 'baron rate' it once I get one!

  4. hopefully i'll have one this Wednesday too.
