Wadworth Swordfish

Wadworth Swordfish [baron rating 3/5] - 5% dark amber ale,sweet fruity smell,rounded raisins toffee slight rum taste,mild rum fruity finish
Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Note: Not bottle conditioned

Thank you to @Wadworth from Wadworth Brewery for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy Wadworth ales here


  1. It says on their website:

    "Swordfish is a unique blend of Wadworth 6X & Pussers Rum from the British Virgin Islands, the original Admiralty rum ration issued daily to the sailors of the British Navy since 1655."

  2. i was really dissapointed by this beer. I was expecting a big deep rum flavour but all I got was a pretty standard bitter with a weird off taste.

    I massive let down!

  3. Neil, I agree it was a bit dull,a perfectly fine brown beer with a whiff of rum but nothing to write home about.

    It's a nice tribute to the plane & pilots but that's about it - not unpleasant though.
