Wensleydale Black Dub

Wensleydale Black Dub [baron rating 2/5] - 4.4% black ale,choc smell,thin mild smoky slightly sour bitter taste,creamy slightly sour finish

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Note: Not bottle conditioned

This was part of the winter pack of the superb '52 week beer club' by myBrewerytap.

Join it now and make sure you say the baron made me do it!

Buy Wensleydale ales here

1 comment:

  1. I've always really enjoyed Black Dub but after listening this review I'm in two minds?

    I've got memories of this being roasted and creamy but listening to your review reminded me of my last experience where I noticed everything you just mentioned. Thin and a bit sour. I think this beer has gone down hill fast in the last year or two...shame.
