Looking forward to 'baron rating' Hesket Newmarket ales very soon!

A box of ales showed up this week from Hesket Newmarket Brewery. Based in Cumbria in the more northern part and they sent 5 different beers down for baron ratings:

You might wonder why there are only four in the photo? The fifth arrived as a pile of glass and stale beer smell as it had broken in transit. It was a bottle of "Doris's 90th Birthday Ale" but judging by the label & name I'm not that bothered that it was broken, an old lady is not the type of thing that gets me thirsty...

Hesket Newmarket Brewery
  • Catbells - 5% premium pale ale, light & deliciously smooth
  • Haystacks - 3.7% refreshing ale for Fellwanderers, light zesty beer
  • High Pike - 4.2% deep amber, full of malty (as well as nutty & hoppy) flavours
  • Scafell Blonde - 4.3% full of hop flavours, slight lager character
Look out for 'baron ratings' for these Hesket Newmarket beers soon, and a big thank you to Greg from Hesket Newmarket Brewery for sending these through to me!

Buy Hesket Newmarket ales here


  1. seriously do you ever buy your own beer?

  2. You bet I do, Source Deli in Ormskirk stocks some great beers and I keep my eyes out on the supermarket deals too.

    I've recently bought lots of canned & bottled Punk IPA, Stringers IPA & Dry Stout as well as some Marston's Old Empire & Fuller's ESB during Tesco's excellent '4 for £5' deal.

    A lot of the samples are waiting for audio 'baron ratings' with Chris so it's not like I can just down the lot on my own.

    Since starting this blog in July 2009 I've been amazed and humbled by just how generous brewers are in sharing their hard-crafted beer - thank you everyone for the chance to try all these great ales!
