Looking forward to 'baron rating' these myBrewerytap ales very soon!

Richard from myBrewerytap offered to send 'some samples' through the other week, little did I know that a full myBrewerytap box would arrive, thank you so much Richard you have been more than great to the baron!:

Watch Chris & I unbox the latest myBrewerytap beers:

The box contained the following amazing ales:

Anchor Brewing Co.
  • Liberty Ale - 5.9% distinct bouquet & uncommonly delicate, entirely natural carbonation
  • Anchor Bock Beer - 5.5% rich & flavourful
D.Carnegie & Co.
Flying Dog Brewery
  • Horn Dog - 10.2% barley wine style ale

Goose Island Beer Co.
  • Matilda - 7% Belgian style ale
  • Pere Jacques - 8% Belgian style ale
Mallinsons Brewing Company
  • Chocolate Stout - 4.2% deep dark colour with a dark cream head,dark chocolate, fruit & roast malt aroma and taste,slightly dry finish
  • Dart (On the Buses No. 6) - 4.2% straw coloured with slightly spicy citrus nose.bitter citrus taste with a long finish
  • Hidden Malt - 5.3% very pale straw ale with a fresh dry hop nose of Pacific Jade.Fresh fruity citrus taste followed by bitter slightly dry finish

Oakham Ales
  • Bishops Farewell - 5% elaborate fruity hop notes,grainy background & dry finish
  • Inferno - 4.4% light igniting ale with complex fruits and a dry fruity finish
Thornbridge Brewery
  • Italia - 4.7% pilsner, herb & lemon zest on the nose,soft & creamy malty notes with moderately intense hops taste,herbal minty firm bitter finish
  • Wild Swan - 3.5% white gold pale ale, aroma & taste of light bitter lemon,hints of herb spicyness & long hoppy finish
Look out for 'baron ratings' for these myBrewerytap beers soon, and a big thank you to Richard from myBrewerytap for sending these through to me!

Buy all these ales here


  1. you lucky lucky fella. are these going to soothe you through half term with the little 'uns? ;)

  2. Yeap I'm very lucky indeed! Mr. myBrewerytap is a great friend of the baron ;)

    The baroness is away over Easter so I'm home with the two of them so these will be a welcome break as long as I can convince Chris & maybe a special guest to pop over...

  3. yes my annual leave was arranged by the missus so i'm off for daddy day care this week too.
    hoping to get to the Boars head festival on sunday now so that'll be my respite
