Kernel Dark Star Imperial Marzen

Kernel Dark Star Imperial Marzen [baron rating 5/5] - 9.1% amber ale,citrus & Caramac smell,big marmalade taste,pithy tropical fruit finish

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Note: I'd like to thank @BGRTRob from HopZine for coming over to Baron Towers to help Chris & I rate a whole loads of stouts, porters and collaboration brews, his expertise added loads to the reviews and we had a thoroughly excellent evening!

Note: Bottle conditioned with perfect carbonation

Thank you to James from Dark Star for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy Dark Star ales here or here
Buy Kernel ales here or here


  1. I said I'd try not to bias becuase I'm a massive fan of Kernel's beers. Just wanted to clear that up.

    Please note this was the last beer of the night and I think I was flagging by 2:30 am!

  2. You were not flagging we were just mellowing into the mood as the beer was a lovely way to end a very enjoyable evening!
