Liverpool Organic 24 Carat Gold

Liverpool Organic 24 Carat Gold [baron rating 4/5] - 4.3% cloudy gold ale,pithy grassy clove smell,soft sweet mandarin taste,long dry finish

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Note: I'd like to thank Paul from Source Deli for coming over to Baron Towers to join Chris & I in an audio baron rating evening, we had a lot of fun!

Note: Bottled conditioned with perfect carbonation

Thank you to Carl from Liverpool Organic for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy Liverpool Organic ales here


  1. I had a pint of this on cask in Liverpool in The Hub on the Royal Wedding Day and it was top notch. Washed my burger down a treat. Lovely stuff

  2. Come one boys!

    I'm with Paul, Kiss are MUCH better than Queen.
