Looking forward to 'baron rating' Brentwood ales very soon!

Jim from the Brentwood Brewing Company got in touch with me a while ago to say that some of their beers were coming my way for review. They were being sent out by AlesByMail and the kind folk there decided that a half-empty box wasn't worth sending and so filled it up with samples of some of AlesByMail's new stock.

Here's the Hollywood trailer of the Baron Unboxing video:

Special thanks to Chris for taking the time to produce this awesome hollywood-style trailer!

Brentwood Brewing Company
  • Brentwood Gold - 4.3% rich golden beer,heavily hopped with fruity Cascade hops
  • Chockwork Orange - 6.5% complex dark ale,loaded with chocolate malt & oranges
  •  Hope & Glory - 4.5% traditional red bitter full of great malt flavours
  • Spooky Moon - 3.8% dark brown bitter with a sweet fruity finish
  • Summer Virgin - 4.5% blonde refreshing summer beer with a citrus fruity taste
Here are details of the other samples:

  • Cumbrian Legendary Grasmoor Dark Ale - 4.3% dark malty beer with a spicy flavour
  • Freedom Stout - 4% "batch 711 - sample only not for sale"
  • Great Oakley Gobble - 4.5% pale ale with a clean crisp flavour & pleasing hoppy aftertaste
  • Green Jack Canary Pale Ale - 3.8% brewed with East Anglian malt,Challenger Celia & Bramling Cross whole cone hops
  • Islay Single Malt Ale - 5% brewed only with pale malt & Amarillo & Bramling Cross hops
  • Panther Red Panther - 4.1% deliciously balanced with a sleek hoppy finish
Watch Chris & I unbox the latest AlesByMail beers:

Video recorded on Chris's excellent camera, the Panasonic LX5

Look out for 'baron ratings' for these Brentwood Brewing Company & other beers soon, and a big thank you to @JimTheBrewer from the Brentwood Brewing Company and Paul aka @AlesByMail from AlesByMail for sending these through to me!

Buy all these ales here


  1. Hope and glory was the beer that got me into 'real ale'. Enjoy the brentwood beers, they have a great range!

  2. Yeah I'm looking forward to getting stuck into them,the Brentwood Gold sounds nice as well.

  3. Summer Virgin is also a nice beer (particularly for this time of year)
