Adnams Tally-Ho 2010

Adnams Tally-Ho 2010 [baron rating 5/5] - 7.2% ruby ale,raisin smell,warming rounded dried fruit fruitcake taste,sweet juicy raisin finish

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Note: Not bottle conditioned

Thank you to Fergus from Adnams for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy Adnams ales here


  1. One interesting point is that the 2009 is bottle conditioned and this isn't, so ageing the two could have interesting results.

  2. A very good point, I asked Fergus last night if 2010 was BCed and he said not so I'm not sure what to do with my extra bottle now - maybe I'll open it at Christmas along with a 2009?

  3. Kristy McCready loves this beer.

  4. When anybody gets a chance to try Adnams new American IPA, please provide feedback.
