HopZine Citra King

HopZine Citra King [baron rating 4/5] - 7.4% hazy copper ale,sugar citrus grapefruit smell,fruity sweet citrus bitter taste,bitter finish
Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Note: Bottle conditioned with perfect carbonation

Thank you to @BGRTRob of HopZine for handing this over for a 'baron rating'!


  1. Sounds good, on another note that label is extremely impressive as well, I know that Rob's job may help a bit but for a homebrew that's a lot of effort and better then a lot of breweries manage.

  2. Yes Rob's labels do mean that they stand out above the rest but his beer is also very taste - good carbonation and well controlled strong beers.

  3. The audio review is a comic gem.

    Lovely stuff.

    There is a suspicion that you'd recorded this at the end of a long 'session' of 'audio reviews'!

    I formally propose the idea of an audio 'collaboration session' some day.

    It would make sense on many levels...

  4. I think you are right in that it was near the end, lots of fun reviewing it though! :)

    An audio collaboration sounds like a good idea, any thoughts on the best way to do it to ensure good audio quality?

  5. you pair of TITS, how does that sound ,bet you cant say that fast
