Everards Tiger

Everards Tiger [baron rating 2/5] - 4.5% amber ale,mild sweet bready smell,thin mild caramel bittersweet taste,mild caramel metallic finish

Note: Not bottle conditioned


  1. Hmm, yes, to my mind this defines "boring brown beer".

  2. I used to like it years ago, but now it seems very ordinary. Whether it's because it's worse, or it's simply been overtaken by better modern beers, I don't know.

  3. Cheers for the comments guys, sorry it's taken me so long to reply!

    I've not had this on cask but the bottled ale it pretty dull and had this nasty metallic finish which put me off completely.

    So much better ales out there, even in supermarket-land!

  4. I'll forgive you the 27 hour delay in replying!
