Magic Rock Cannonball

Magic Rock Cannonball [baron rating 5/5] - 7.4% copper ale,sweet resin citrus smell,sweet tropical bitter taste,syrupy resin bitter finish
Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Note: Not bottle conditioned

Thank you to Richard from Magic Rock Brewery for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy Magic Rock ales here


  1. Don't worry about it selling out... we get through about just over a case a week at Beer Ritz, and it just keeps coming! :)

  2. Cannonball was the first beer they ever brewed and now with a bit more time and better understanding of their brewhouse I'm sure the next time Cannonball appears it'll be even better.
    The kegged version was by far the best, it suits to be a little cool.

  3. They are all lovely beers, shame the bottles are so small! ;)
