BrewDog Paradox Smokehead

BrewDog Paradox Smokehead [baron rating 2/5] - 10% black stout,smoky TCP iodine smell,sweet then very bitter taste,smoky sweet fruity finish

Note: I gave it a 2/5 as I don't like whisky and so don't like this (any my buying preference is the whole point of this blog), Paul gives it a 3/5 and Chris gives it a 4/5 bordering on 5/5 - I'll let you figure out if you would like it...

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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A big thank you to Paul from Source Deli who joined us for the series of Prospect Brewery reviews  

Note: Not bottle conditioned

Thank you to BrewDog for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy BrewDog ales direct and from myBrewerytap

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