Looking forward to baron rating Northcote Brewery ales

One of the best things in the world is when a brewery pings you via Twitter asking for your address as they have some beer that they want to send to you, it simply is one of life's little pleasures.

That happened to me this week when Jenni from Northcote Brewery got in touch, here is what arrived today:

Northcote Brewery
  • Bishy Barnaby - 4.5% rich nutty red coloured beer with a spicy & fruity flavour, perfect with cheese
  • El Salvador IPA -6% coffee IPA
  • Jiggle Juice - 5.8% IPA, light in colour & packed with Citra for the fullest of tropical fruit flavours
  • Sunshine Jiggle - 4.3% light in colour with hints of grapefruit zest. Refreshing with balanced bitterness
Look out for 'baron ratings' for these Northcote Brewery beers soon, and a big thank you to Jenni (@NorthcoteBeers) from Northcote Brewery for sending these through to me!

Buy Northcote ales direct


  1. Can't wait until you post these. I'm currently enjoying a Jiggle Juice. The El Salvador is a very good, and curious beer.

  2. I've not heard people mention Northcote beers on Twitter so it's nice to hear some positive comments.

    I'm really looking forward to trying the coffee IPA.
