Monty's Ding Dong

Monty's Ding Dong [baron rating 2/5] - 4.4% copper ale,spicy tangerine smell,completely flat sweet spicy citrus taste,honey mild sour finish

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Note: Bottle conditioned with no carbonation

Thank you to @bob_beer from Best of British Beer for handing this over for a 'baron rating'!

Buy Monty's ales from Best of British Beer


  1. Hmm, if it was completely flat and lacking in condition, it wouldn't get past first base for me, and would go straight down the sink. 0/5

  2. I get your point,maybe we are too kind but the beer wasn't disgusting just lacking in condition,we didn't finish it as we had other beers to try but it wasn't bad just very disappointing!
