St Peter's The Saints

St Peter's The Saints [baron rating 3/5] - 4.8% copper ale,rounded TCP iodine smell,balanced smoky peaty taste,TCP/Islay whisky peaty finish

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Note: Not bottle conditioned

Thank you to @StPetersBrewery from St. Peter's Brewery for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

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1 comment:

  1. Tastes like a weak solution of TCP. I enjoy a nip of whisky every now and then but did not get a hint of whisky from this. Have tried Innis & Gunn and love the flavour but I found this almost undrinkable. I ordered a case of it (I have tried St Peters beers before and enjoyed them all) so have wasted my money. My father (a whisky and real ale fan) had to throw his away!
