Looking forward to baron rating some Best of British Beers ales

I've been a bad Baron - since November we've been having an extension built. Two weeks ago the contractors had mostly finished and it was now our job to start decorating it. That's pretty much what I've been doing every evening and weekend for the past 2 weeks (apart from a much needed visit to NWAF).

Which means that although a couple of lovely looking bottles arrived from Best of British Beer last Thursday, I've only managed to find the time tonight to actually say "thank you":

Little Valley Brewery
  • Python IPA - 6% straw coloured, double hopped, original IPA. Strong malty taste with a balance of hops and bitterness
The Celt Experience Brewery
  • Bleddyn 1075 - 5.6% pale strong ale with a full bodied texture. Generous hopping with Atlantic & New Zealand varieties provide a lovely bitter tongue, crisp sweetness and citrus & grapefruit finish
Look out for 'baron ratings' for these Best of British Beer beers soon, and a big thank you to @bob_beer for sending them through to me!

Buy these ales from Best of British Beer

1 comment:

  1. we're just about to start a load of renovating and decorating, fun times huh!

    The Bleddyn 1075 is a good beer, enjoy!
