Windsor & Eton Windsor Knot

Windsor & Eton Windsor Knot [baron rating 4/5] - 4.5% amber ale,fruit pastilles smell,rounded tropical taste,long fruity mildly sharp finish

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it.

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Note: Not bottle conditioned

Thank you to @WindsorEtonBrew from Windsor & Eton Brewery for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy Windsor & Eton ales direct or from Ales By Mail


  1. just caught up with the podcasts, those Northcote beers sounded pretty good.
    Happy new Year!!

  2. Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for being such a dedicated follower :)

    Are you going to the Beer Bloggers Conference in Leeds?

  3. Guys,
    thanks for the review again. Its always really useful to get feedback and then we can tweak accordingly. I think you've done all the bottled beers at present apart from the special version of Conqueror called 1075 which commemorates the founding date of the castle but is also a damned good excuse to brew the beer with a high OG (1.075) to give a 7.4% ABV. Do you have this one or should I send a parcel?! Paddy

  4. Paddy,

    That's the last one that we have left to review, it's probably going to get the audio review treatment tomorrow night as I have a bottle of it from the batch that you sent some time ago.

    Feel free to send any additional bottles the Baron's way, I'll never say no to damn tasty ale arriving on my doorstep! ;)

  5. have heard a lot about Windsor and Eton Ales, will definitely have to check them out, I hear they do tours too?

  6. I don't know if they do tours but most breweries are more than happy to show people around, best to give them a call and ask.
