Kent Crisps reviews

A few weeks ago I was sent some samples from Kent Crisps (@KentCrisps) and we tried these during our last audio baron rating session. They have nice photographic packets and look good in the bowl but what do they taste like?

Rather than give them baron ratings we though we would just record our thoughts live as we opened the pack and sampled them:

Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about Kent Crisps Ashmore Cheese & Onion

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Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about Kent Crisps Oyster & Vinegar

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Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about Kent Crisps Sea Salt

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Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about Kent Crisps Sea Salt & Biddenden Cider Vinegar

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These crisps were good although we found the cheese and oyster ones to have massive flavours and the others to be much milder, maybe if they were of a similar level it would balance them out a little? Saying that, the oyster ones were probably my favourite as you actually got a sense that you were 'tasting the sea'.

I wasn't so keen on the slightly thicker cut of these crisps although Chris thought they were excellent so make of that what you will!

Thank you to Liz from @KentCrisps for sending them through to me!

Buy Kent Crisps via their Store Locator

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