Looking forward to baron rating Slurp Beer ales

Here's our James Bond-style trailer for the mixed pack of beer:

Slurp are an established online wine retailer who decide to start stocking beer back in June 2010 but really started to push it in May 2011 with the creation of a whole new section for beer, a dedicated Twitter account @SlurpBeer as well as offering some pretty hefty promotions at the start to get some people aware and interested in their stock. They have been from all over the world and the range and prices are very good indeed.

Slurp offered to send a mixed case of beer through for review and as you know I'm always up for trying beers I've not baron rated before. Richard from Slurp packed a surprise mixed case for me and this is what he sent:

Canterbury Brewers
  • Foundry Man’s Gold - 4% golden ale with strong citrus & elderflower aromas with a subtle lingering bitterness. Hops are Magnum & Citra
  • Foundry Torpedo -4.5% straw coloured ale with an explosive crisp finish. Hops are Cascade & Bramling Cross
  • Foundry Red Rye - 5.6% reddish gold ale,spice from the rye malt. Hops are Citra & Chinook
  • Street Light Porter - 5.8% dark malty porter with strong toffee character and a liquorice finish. Hops are Goldings & Floral Willemette

Brooklyn Brewery
  • Black Chocolate Stout -10% imperial stout,chocolate aroma & flavour due to six varieties of black, chocolate & roasted malts
  • East India Pale Ale -6.9% IPA brewed with English malts and hops
  • Brooklyn Pennant Ale -5% toasty, biscuity flavour with a fruity and dry finish
  • Flying Dog Old Scratch Amber Lager -5.5% amber lager? No description on the bottle...
  • Goose Island 312 - 4.4% wheat ale? No description on the bottle...
  • Stone Levitation - 4.4% ale? No description on the bottle...
  • Stone Pale Ale - 5.4% pale ale? No description on the bottle...
  • Silly Saison - 5% Belgian Saison
  • Jever Pilsener - 4.9% pilsner
  • Wentwell Barrel Organ Blues - 4.5% golden brown with a malty aroma,smooth in taste
Look out for 'baron ratings' for these Slurp Beer ales soon, and a big thank you to Richard (@SlurpBeer) for sending them through to me!

Buy all these beers from Slurp Beer


  1. I wish I owned that box, I'd treat those beers like minor royalty. We'd go to shows and the discotheque and when I got them home I'd ravish them!

  2. And that is where we differ you commoner, I would ensure they returned home safely then kiss them on the cheek like a true member of landed gentry.

    (never said which cheek though...)

  3. you'd be pulling their tops off like a teenager left alone in his house with his girlfriend!
