St Peters Cream Stout

St Peters Cream Stout [baron rating 2/5] - 6.5% black stout,berries red wine smell,creamy black currants & berries taste,smoky berry finish

Listen to what Chris, Paul (Source Deli) and the Baron have to say about it.

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Note: Not bottle conditioned


  1. Oh blimey - I've just ordered 4 for £6 @Ocado. Its not that bad is it?

  2. Well let's just say that three of us didn't like it...

    Please let me know what you think though as we all have different tastes!

  3. I'll try again...This was crappp! What is going on here. A fiz carpet - that refuses to remove itself from my upper mouth - perhaps - just perhaps - a creamy chocolate taste - aftertaste. And metallic.

    Bloody hell - I brewed stuff better than this at college (and that's after I swapped camden tablets with the hop pellets).

    My review at

  4. I'm so sorry that you didn't enjoy it.

    I'm not a fan of any St Peter's beers to be honest, I think it's their water that I don't like the taste of that obviously carries through into the finished beers.

    Better check out what the Baron thinks next time ;)

  5. I complained to StPeters. They haven't said that anything is wrong with the batch I was drinking but will send a few bottles from another batch so I can see if there is a difference.

    Not sure if that's a good outcome or not. Depends whether its any better or not. It cannot be worse that the stuff I just tried.
