Celt Bleddyn 1075

Not bottle conditioned
Celt Bleddyn 1075 [baron rating 4/5] - 5.6% copper ale,spicy fruity biscuity smell,rich peppery sweet tropical taste,lingering sticky finish
Listen to what Chris and the Baron have to say about it

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Thank you to @bob_beer from Best of British Beer for sending this through for a 'baron rating'!

Buy The Celt Experience ales from Best of British Beer


  1. i had this again at the weekend, its a great beer, very enjoyable. Generally they make a pretty good range Celt.

  2. It's the first of theirs that I've tried but I was pretty impressed!

  3. their 'dark age' is new and pretty good

  4. I'll keep an eye out for it!
