Baron on Tour: BrewDog Manchester Bar

HopZine Rob got in touch with me a couple of weeks ago to say that a few folks from Twitter were making there way down to the newly opened BrewDog Manchester bar and would I like to join them. After a quick discussion with the Baroness I was cleared of fatherly duties on Saturday 5th May and so cycled to Burscough Bridge station to catch the train into Deansgate.

Whilst on the train I realised that I had done an 'epic fail' - I had no idea where on Deansgate the bar was. Luckily twitter is your best friend and after a tweet for help I received three separate replies with directions and a phone call from Tara Mallinson giving me directions (they were already there!).

Tara & Elaine from Mallinsons
On arrival at the cool glass-fronted bar I found Tara & Elaine from Mallinsons happily occupying one of the sofas on the upstairs mezzanine floor (it's only small up there) so I ordered a half of BrewDog's new beer, the 3.8% Dead Pony Club and joined them.

Dead Pony Club is an excellent beer, so light at 3.8% and yet so packed with flavour: it's sweet and resinous on the nose with a lovely juicy zingy bittersweet taste and a long bitter finish - a cracking pint. It's only down side? It's nearly £4 a pint!

Adam & Rob
This was also the cheapest beer in the place so I'm pretty sure that's going to put some people off going there but maybe BrewDog don't mind as there's plenty of others that seemed happy to pay it (by the time we left mid-evening it was heaving).

Nick & Kate

nce back upstairs and chatting away to Mallinsons we were joined by Adam, Mark, Rob and Nick & Kate (who helped brew the fantastic Summer Wine Covenant ale for their wedding). A great afternoon was had trying numerous beers (both BrewDog and imported bottles).

I opted for a Port Brewing Wipeout IPA on recommendation from Rob, and it was amazing! It was £8 for the 660ml bottle and well worth it, an awesome beer. I saw that Nick and Kate tried the Mongo IPA from Port Brewing as well as BrewDog's Anarchist/Alchemist.

I also need to mention that it was great to see Adnams spirits behind the bar, nice to see one brewery supporting another!

Toby & The Baron
As we were leaving Toby from RedWillow Brewery popped in so we convinced him to join us on the move to Port Street Beer House.

It's 'so close to Manchester Piccadilly station you can almost smell it' location suited us all as it meant that we could leave when we wanted too knowing that the train was not far away.

Rob & Andy
Adam & Dave
We drank some cracking beer in Port Street as well, Saison Dupont was amazing as was a number of other ales that I can't remember for the life of me as I was too busy chatting to the other guys and being amazed at bumping into BeerReviewsAndy and Dave Lozman on Dave's stag do!

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